torstai 29. syyskuuta 2016

Unity clicker - Build


1. jakso lukuvuonna 2016-2017

Because you have created a clicker game that works then it’s time to build it. Building for Android device differs from building for PC. You need to install SDK (software development kit) an JDK (Java development kit).

First install Android studio that has the SDK in it. Go to: and click the download android studio button.

Accept terms and conditions to start your download.

When the download has finished click the android-studio.exe. This will let you install the software. Follow the install instructions:

Now open the Android Studio by clicking the icon. It’s time to set path to the SDK. Go to settings and choose SDK manager.

Copy the Android SDK location and open preferences from unity. 

Preferences can be found from the edit tab.

Select external tools and paste your location to the Android SDK section.

Then you’ll need the JDK. Download it from: Remember to accept the license agreement and then click the last link from the  Java SE Development Kit 8u101 section. Click the .exe file when it has finished downloading. Install the software.

When it has finished installing open Unity again and go to the same preferences section as with SDK. Now click browse in the JDK and you should have the correct folder already selected. Just click the choose folder button and the path for JDK is created.

Lastly go to build settings -> player settings. 

Name your company and game. Select other settings from the inspector and in the bundle identifier section you need to start with com. and then your company name and your game name. Remember to put . between the company and game name.

Then you’re ready to build the game. From build settings click the build button and choose a name for your apk file. After building is done copy the apk file to your phone preferably to a location you can find easily. Now take the phone and search the game file. Click it and select install. You might need to verify that it’s ok to install from unknown sources. After it has finished installing click the game icon and enjoy!

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