torstai 2. helmikuuta 2017

UNITY FPS - Movement and camera


3. jakso lukuvuonna 2016-2017


This time we are going to make a simple FPS game and this tutorial is for the player and camera movement.

Start by creating a 3D capsule. This can be done by right clicking the hierarchy and choosing 3D object -> capsule. Make sure the transform for all the axis is zero. Create a plane in same manner so that the player has a ground to walk on.  Rename the created objects as player and ground. Renaming objects is important when your scene has lot of stuff in it. Locating specific objects is easier when you have named them.

Then create empty object by right clicking hierarchy and choosing create empty. Rename the empty object as player controller and make the player object parented as child to it. This is done by dragging the player and dropping it to the highlighted player controller.

Now change the y position of the player controller so that the capsule is not inside the plane. Make another empty object and name it as camera position. Make it child to the player object and drag it up and forward to where the camera would be. Remember to position to the front of the player. The blue arrow indicates forward movement.

Create camera to the scene if you don’t have it there already. Make an empty game object and rename it as camera controller. Parent it with the camera. Position the camera controller in front of the player object. Create empty object as child to the camera. Name it player look and position it further away in front of the player. This will be the spot player looks at.


Now create new component for the player object. Choose character controller from the component list. 

Create FSM named movement. Click the edit button to open playmaker window.

In the first state you action set game object. Create came object variable and choose it in the variable section. Then drag your player object to the game object section. Make finished transition to new state.

Create three actions for this state: get axis vector, controller simple move and look at.

For the get axis vector, you’ll need one vector3 variable. Use it in the store vector section and drag you camera as the object in the relative to section.

In the controller simple move action, choose your vector3 variable as move vector and adjust the speed so that player walks in the speed you want it to.

In the last look at action, choose your player look object as the target object.


Next create fsm for the camera controller. This fsm will only have one state with action move towards. Choose your camera position as the target object. Copy your z position and remember to put checkmark in the ignore vertical. Use 20 as the max speed and put 0 in the finish distance.

Lastly create fsm for the camera. Use action called mouse look. Make it a little less sensitive so that the camera won’t jump around. 

Now go to edit -> project settings -> input. Select mouse Y and put a checkmark in the invert box.

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